Saturday, May 7, 2016

Poseidon Project - Bay Park Gem

Wow, great beer selection in the bottle section, but not not matched by the tap line.  We had a family get together at the Poseidon Project in Bay Park today.  Really enjoyed their excellent selection of beers and fabulous ambience.  There cooler is stocked with some of the best craft beer California has to offer.  My only slight knock is that there were only 8 or 10 beers on draft (didn't count).  Poseidon bills itself as a destination for craft beer and wine lovers; but on a late Saturday afternoon, we only saw folks enjoying craft beer.  A food truck was scheduled to arrive at 5:30, but we brought in our own afternoon repaste.  Well appointed with a great interior design.  If you visit Bay Park you should check in.

Some of the beers on tap included:

Fall Brewing Company's Plenty for All Pilsner.  I greatly enjoyed this fine take on the classic Czech/German style.

Stone's Enjoy By 5.30.16 Tangerine IPA.  My wife and son were pretty pleased.

I am a big fan of Acoustic Ales, and Music in Liquid Form IPA did not disappoint.  

Finally, I shared a bottle with my son, Acoustic Ales Witte Snake.  I took a picture of the bottle and glass and caught some of the artwork inside as well.